BMRCL Recruitment 2022, 144 JE, Section Engineer, AE & Other Posts

BMRCL Recruitment 2022: Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) has released recruitment notification for contract vacancies. They invite application from suitable candidates to fill up 144 vacancies for the post of Assistant Engineer, Section Engineer, Executive Engineer, Junior Engineer, Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer, Manager, Deputy Manager & Additional Chief Engineer posts. These vacancies will be filled on contract basis. Willing candidates are advised to apply online and submit the printout of online form on or before 17.01.2022.

BMRCL Recruitment 2022, 50 Station Controller/ Train Operator Posts

BMRCL Recruitment 2022: Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited has issued a notice on 14.12.2021 for appointment of Station Controller/ Train Operator in the Operation & Maintenance Wing of BMRCL on “contract basis”. invites applications from eligible EX-military personnel to fill up 50 vacancies. Applicants who are looking for these jobs kindly make the online registration up to 10.01.2022. Applied candidates need to submit their hard copy of the online form to given address on or before 14.01.2022.

South Central Railway Recruitment 2022, 21 Sports Quota Posts

South Central Railway Recruitment 2022: South Central Railway recruitment has announced eligible sports person from the resident of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim and Jammu & Kashmir etc. It is going to fill 21 vacancies for recruitment of Sports Quota (Open Advertisement) in Group C post. RRC SCR jobs apply through online mode only. Before final submission of application, aspirants should read the complete notification of South Central Railway recruitment. Online registration link will be available from 18.12.2021. The closing date of online application is 17.01.2022.

East Coast Railway Recruitment 2021, 14 Pharmacist, Hospital Attendant & Other posts

East Coast Railway Recruitment 2021: East Coast Railway Recruitment has decided to engage Contractual Paramedical personnel in Sambalpur Division. Recently it has released notification no (01/2021- Non-Gaz (Para-Medical Contractual) on 07.12.2021. There are 14 vacancies will be allocated for Nursing Superintendent, Pharmacist, Hospital Attendant and Housing Keeping Assistant. Interested and eligible candidates may send their application forms via email.

Central Railway Recruitment 2021, 12 Level 1 & Level 2 Posts

Central Railway Recruitment 2021: Central Railway Recruitment cell is looking for capable persons to fill up 12 vacancies in Level 1 & Level 2 posts. Central Railway recruitment notification for Scouts and Guides Quota has been announced on 04.12.2021. Registration link was activated from 06.12.2021 to 20.12.2021. Candidates who interested in railway jobs are advised to apply online through RRC CR registration link on or before 20.12.2021.

South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2021, 520 Goods Guard Posts

South Eastern Railway Recruitment 2021: South Eastern Railway – Railway Recruitment Cell has recently released a job notification on 24.11.2021 for filling up 520 vacancies. Moreover, these vacancies are assigned for the post of Goods Guard. Before applying, candidates need to read the terms & conditions. Applicants may apply for RRC SER jobs through online mode only. The Last date to submit an online application for this South Eastern Railway Recruitment job is before 23.12.2021.

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KMRL Recruitment 2021, 50 Terminal Controller, Boat Operator & Boat Master Posts

KMRL Recruitment 2021: Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) seeks online application from suitable persons for the post of Terminal Controller, Boat Operator & Boat Master Posts in KMRL. Totally 50 vacancies are allocated for above said posts. Candidates need to fill the online application form by their details & upload the required documents in prescribed format. No other mode of application will be accepted. In Kochi Metro Recruitment 2021 notification, they are mentioned that 01.12.2021 as a deadline to apply for these advertised vacancies.

South Central Railway Recruitment 2021, 81 Junior Engineer Posts

South Central Railway Recruitment 2021: Railway Recruitment Cell – South Central Railway invites online mode application from eligible serving employees of South Central Railway to fill up 81 vacancies against GDCE Quota. Recently it has announced new notice on 17.11.2021 for Junior Engineer Vacancy. Applicants who are searching these jobs kindly make the online registration @ RRC SCR. There are 81 candidates will be hired for this vacancy. As per the RRC South Central Railway recruitment notification, online mode applications will be received up to 16.12.2021.

KRCL Recruitment 2021 | 18 Jr. Technical Assistant Posts

KRCL Recruitment 2021: Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) has issued new notice on 18.11.2021 for the following posts on fixed term contract on fixed remuneration basis for the USBRL Project to be operated in the U.T of Jammu and Kashmir. There are 18 vacancies that will be filled by KRCL and these vacancies are assigned for Jr. Technical Assistant posts. Candidates who are seeking these jobs kindly attend the interview at the prescribed venue. As per the KRCL recruitment notification, the interview will be held from 13.12.2021 to 17.12.2021.

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CMRL Recruitment 2021, 03 DGM/ Manager & General Manager Post

CMRL Recruitment 2021: The Chennai Metro Rail Project requires eligible candidates for the post of General Manager & DGM/ Manager for filling up 03 vacancies. Applications are invited from eligible & qualified candidates for the given posts in Chennai Metro Rail Limited. The CMRL may select candidates through interview for the appointment of above said posts. Aspirants can apply these jobs through offline mode. Application form in a prescribed format should reach the office on or before 03.01.2022.