BEL Recruitment 2021: Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has released recruitment notification to fulfil the requirements in Central Research Laboratory, Ghaziabad. BEL invites application from eligible candidates for the post of Member (Research Staff) post. BEL has 10 vacancies for the above said posts. BEL is going to recruit candidates on permanent basis. Experienced software professionals who met the qualification may apply through online link on or before 08.12.2021.
NHM UP Recruitment 2022, 2980 Lab Technician, Sr. Lab Technician, STS & STLS Posts
NHM UP Recruitment 2022: National Health Mission, Uttar Pradesh has planned to recruit candidates to fill up 2980 vacancies for the post of Lab Technician, Senior Lab Technician, Senior Treatment Supervisor (STS) & Senior Tuberculosis Lab Supervisor posts. They invite application from suitable candidates for appointment of above said posts in various programs like Blood Cell, Community Process, NCD, National Program & NUHM. Online application process for this UP NRHM vacancy begins from 18.12.2021. Willing & eligible candidates are advised to register themselves through online link on or before 07.01.2022.