KPSC SEO Hall Ticket 2023: Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) has issued new notice regarding Sericulture Extension Officer Exam Date 2023. I is going to conduct Online examination for Sericulture Extension Officer. There are many numbers of vacancies are assigned for this recruitment and also waiting for KPSC Hall Ticket 2023/ KPSC Admit Card. As per the KPSC Exam Date Notice, Examination will be held on 19.08.2023 & 20.08.2023. Candidates who are waiting for Sericulture Extension Officer Hall Ticket/ KPSC Hall Ticket 2023 kindly download it @
Find the link for KPSC Sericulture Extension Officer Admit Card, click on the link.
Enter your registration number, password and date of birth then enter get admit card button.
After that your call letter will display on the screen.
You may download the kPSC SEO admit card / KPSC SEO HALL TICKET and bring it for write the exam.
3. Important Links
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out frequently.