HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2022: HLL Lifecare has wanted unique candidates for the posts of Production Assistant on a contract basis. According to the HLL Lifecare Notification 2022, ITI candidates can apply for HLL Lifecare Production Assistant Recruitment. Candidates who are passionate to work under the Kerala Government, you may heist this elite opportunity. A total of 19 seats are mentioned in the HLL Lifecare Recruitment Notification. Eligible candidates can apply via Online mode. Other modes can’t be taken. Applicants will be appointed in the Kerala region. Applicants can start applying their application from 07.12.2022 to 21.12.2022
Candidates are advised to download the prescribed CV format from the official website. Applicants will be selected by their performance in the Interview. No application fee is charged for HLL Lifecare Production Assistant Jobs. Shortlisted applicants will earn Rs.9,000 to Rs.18,000 per month. Applicants should send the Prescribed CV to the given Mail Id. Entitled candidates who apply for these posts, kindly check their Educational Details, Selection Process, Age limits, and Apply Modes are simply mentioned at the bottom of the page.
Find and read the advertisement for Production Assistant Jobs.
Download the prescribed CV format
Fill in the required details in the CV format.
Now, you can send the filled CV to the Given Mail address
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out www.sarkariblog.com frequently.
10. Important Links – HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2022.