Haryana Nurses Merit List 2023: Haryana Nurses & Nurse-Midwives Council has issued new notice regarding Haryana ANM Nursing Merit List/ Haryana GNM Nursing Merit List 2023/ Haryana MPHW Merit List 2023. There are many numbers of candidates were applied for admissions for ANM, GNM & MPHW(M) courses in Government and Private Institutions.
2. Steps To Download for Haryana Nurses Merit List 2023
Go to official website www.haryananursescouncil.in
Find the link for HNC Merit List, then click on the link.
You haryana nursing merit list pdf will be open.
You may check your result.
3. Important Links
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out www.sarkariblog.com frequently.