Gujarat High Court Admit Card 2023: The examination for the Gujarat High Court Exam Date 2023 is scheduled to take place on 2nd July 2023. It is mandatory for all appearing candidates to carry a printed copy of the Gujarat High Court Assistant Admit Card 2023. Along with the admit card, candidates must also bring valid photo identification proof for verification purposes during the examination. The Commission will not send admit cards through courier or any other means. To obtain their Gujarat High Court Assistant Hall ticket 2023.
Elimination Test, Main Written Examination (Descriptive Type) and Practical / Skill (Typing) Test
Official Site
2. Required details
Name of the candidate
Photograph and Signature
Roll/Registration number
Date and time of the examination
Examination venue/address
Reporting time
Exam instructions
Contact information in case of any discrepancy
3. How to Download for Gujarat High Court Admit Card 2023
Visit the official website of the Gujarat High Court.
Look for the “New Updates” section on the homepage.
Click on the relevant link to access the Gujarat High Court Assistant Admit Card 2023.
You will be redirected to a new page where you need to enter your login credential, submit the information to proceed.
The Gujarat High Court Assistant Hall ticket 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Carefully review all the details mentioned on the admit card, including your name, exam date, venue, and other important instructions.
4. Important Links
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