CCMB Recruitment 2022: CSIR- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) has wanted dedicated candidates for the posts of Project Associate, Field Worker, Senior Project Associate, and Project Scientist on a contractual basis. As per the CCMB Notification Number 1222, Overall 10 vacancies are mentioned in the CSIR- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology recruitment notification. Applicants who have to join the Central Government jobs, you can use this chance. This job is comfortably synced for Bachelor’s degree conquerors. Entitled candidates can apply for CCMB Project Associate Recruitment through online mode. No offline modes can be accepted for these posts.
Applicants kindly download and read the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology Notification. No application fees will be charged for CCMB Field Worker Recruitment. Applicants will be selected by their performance in written or interview methods. Shortlisted candidates will be appointed at the Hyderabad location. Applicants are advised to fill in the valid information in the CCMB application form. Interested candidates may check below their educational qualifications, Age limit, Selection process, application mode and salary details. Selected candidates will get money. Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology.
This job is preferable to a Master’s Degree, bachelor’s degree or Doctoral Degree from a recognized University.
For more educational details, visit the notification.
4. Age
The maximum age limit is 50 yearsfor Field Worker posts.
35 yearsfor Project Associate posts.
40 years for Senior Project Associate & Project Scientist posts.
5. Application Mode
Candidates can submit the filled application in the Online portal.
6. Selection Process
Applicants will be selected based on the Test/ Interview.
7. Salary
Name of the post
Project Associate
Rs.31,000/- + HRA
Field Worker
Rs.18,000/- + HRA
Senior Project Associate
Rs.42,000/- + HRA
Project Scientist
Rs.67,000/- + HRA
8. Important Dates – CCMB Recruitment 2022
Starting Date of Online Application
Last Date for submission of Online applications
9. How to Apply –CCMB Recruitment 2022
Applicants go to the official website
Click> Careers> Opportunity at CCMB> Project Position.
Find the advertisement.
Candidates are requested to read the notification.
Click to open the online registration portal.
Give the required information in the application form.
Submit the filled application form in an online portal.
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out frequently.