Yamaha India Apprentice Recruitment 2023 : One of the top two-wheeler manufacturers in India and the world, Yamaha Motor Private Limited is seeking qualified applicants to fill the position of Apprentice. The business must have 100 Apprentice positions available. Candidates that meet the requirements and are interested in applying must do so through the BOAT’s website. No other application methods will be allowed. If you’re up for the task, you’ll need to have earned your diploma or engineering degree in the discipline. The walk-in interview will be held at India Yamaha Motor Private Limited, plot number VVI, SIPCOT Industrial Park, Vallam Vadangal Village, Sriperumbudur, Kancheepuram, Pin-602, 105, from January 30 to February 3, 2023.
Only candidates from Tamil Nadu who have completed their diplomas for the academic years 2021 and 2022 may apply for this Yamaha Motor Apprentice Recruitment. The written test, in-person interview, document verification, and medical examinations will all be handled by the business. Aspirants should bring the original and self-attested copies of their résumé, passport-size photo, matriculation certificates, 12th grade transcripts, diploma all semester grade reports, provisional grade reports, Aadhar Card Proof, and other documents to the selection process. Aspirants who successfully complete the BOAT Apprenticeship will go through the Yamaha Diploma selection procedure. Candidates who have been officially declared will work in Chennai, near Sriperumbudur.
Table of Contents
1. Overview – Yamaha India Apprentice Recruitment 2023
2. Vacancy details – Yamaha India Apprentice Recruitment 2023
Total Vacancies
Mechanical Engineering
Automobile Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Total Post
3. Educational Qualification – Yamaha India Apprentice Recruitment 2023
Aspirants should completed the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering /Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Automobile Engineering from recognized university.
4. Age – Yamaha India Apprentice Recruitment 2023
Candidates should possess the minimum age limit should be 18 years and maximum age limit should be 22 years.
5. Selection Process – Yamaha India Apprentice Recruitment 2023
Written Exam
Face to Face Interview (Technical & HR Round)
Document Verification
Medical Examinations
6. Salary – Yamaha India Apprentice Recruitment 2023
Rs.14972/- as Stipend
7. Application Mode
Applicants are required to apply Yamaha Motor Recruitment through BOAT Website.
8. Application Fee
Not Disclosed
9. Important Dates
Important Date & Place
Date of Walk-in-interview
30-01-2023 to 03-02-2023(08:00 AM) at India Yamaha Motor Private Limited, plot no. VVI, SIPCOT Industrial Park, Vallam Vadangal Village, Sriperumbudur, Kancheepuram, Pin-602, 105.
10. How to Apply
Log on official website at MHRDNATS Portal.
Find and get Walk in Interview for the selection of Diploma Apprenticeship Training in India Yamaha Motor Pvt. ltd., Sriperumbudur, Chennai. Last date to apply 3-February-2023
Open the recruitment Notification.
Read the eligibility conditions and other instructions.
If you are eligible for this Yamaha jobs, Apply Boat website
Apply the proper details in application form
Finally submit the application form.
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out www.sarkariblog.com frequently.