UPCL Recruitment 2023, Apply 160 Apprentice Vacancies

UPCL Recruitment 2023: Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited is planned to be conduct the walk-in-interview for Degree/Diploma Holders as engagement of Apprentice Post. A total of 160 vacant post are to be filled through the way of selection by walk-in-interview. Candidates who are seeking for Uttarakhand Government jobs can use chance and get required scale of pay.  Before appearing for the walk-in-interview, must read the eligibility criteria and other instructions carefully. Desirous and eligible candidates can attend the walk-in-interview on 23-01-2023.

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HAL NATS Recruitment 2022 | Walk-in Interview for NATS Apprenticeship Training for Diploma Holders

HAL NATS Recruitment 2022: Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) has announced an online notification for recruitment to the post of Diploma Apprentice. There are multiple vacancies are to be filled for this recruitment. Interested candidates who are all eligible for this post can Walk-in Interview on 15th December 2022. The selection process will be based on Written Test and interview. The detailed eligibility and selection process are given below in detail.

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