NHM UP Recruitment 2024 notification regarding filling of Community Health Officer Job Vacancies. The medical organization invites online applications from eligible candidates with B.Sc. qualifications. These 5582 Community Health Officer posts are in NHM UP, Uttar Pradesh, on a contract basis.
Uttar Pradesh
UPPSC Recruitment 2023 | Apply for Medical Officer and Professor (Specialist) Uttar Pradesh Ayush (Homoeopathy) Department
UPPSC Recruitment 2023: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 84 vacancies in Deputy Director, Assistant Chemist, Homeopathic Medical Officer and professor (Specialist) through UPPSC Vacancy 2023. According to the latest UPPSC Vacancy Notification, these vacancies are assigned to the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission Vacancy 2023.
UP College Entrance Admit Card 2023, UG & PG Courses
UP College Entrance Admit Card 2023: Udai Pratap College (UP College) is going to conduct the admission test for UG &PG Courses in the month of July 2023. They will publish UP College Entrance Admit Card through admission portal. Only registered applicants will be allowed to appear for the entrance examination. Please read the instructions of the college carefully & visit the admission portal. Entrance examination dates are 10.07.2023 to 14.07.2023. Udai Pratap College Admit Card will be released through online mode.
Candidates must download their UP College Entrance Admit Card by using their Registered account details. For More details Visit Official Website.
NPCIL Recruitment 2023,Trade Apprentice | 50 Vacancies
NPCIL Recruitment 2023: Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 50 Vacancies for Trade Apprentice posts, through NPCIL Recruitment 2023 these vacancies are allocated in various trades such as Fitter, Electrician & Electronic Mechanics trades. Applicants who had completed ITI in above said trades are eligible to apply for this NPCIL job. The online registration link for this Trade Apprentice vacancy will be activated from 27.06.2023. The Last date to submit the application form is 18.07.2023. Candidates who had completed their registration must submit the hard copy on or before 08.08.2023.
UPPSC Recruitment 2023, Lecturer, Scientific Officer & Various Post | 395 Vacancies
UPPSC Recruitment 2023: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has opened the notification for the post of Scientific Officer, Mines Officer, Dental Surgeon, Lecturer, Homeopathic Medical Officer and Homoeopathic Residential Medical Officer, Unani Medical Officer, Reader Kulliyat, Reader Amraz-e-Jild wa Tazeeniyat and Lecturer Arabic. 395 vacancies are to be filled. Candidates must apply through online mode and the online link opened on 14-06-2023. The online form submission will be closed on 14-07-2023.
SPMCIL Recruitment 2023, IT Infrastructure Consultant | Various Vacancies
SPMCIL Recruitment 2023: Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) invites online application from qualified persons and has released a notification for Various vacancies for the posts of IT Infrastructure Consultant, through SPMCIL Recruitment 2023, for SPMCIL IT Infrastructure Consultant Vacancy 2023 Online registration link was opened on 15-05-2023. Candidates should upload the online application form by www.spmcil.com on or before on 31-05-2023.
IRCON Recruitment 2023, Works Engineer Posts | 34 Vacancies
IRCON Recruitment 2023: IRCON International Limited has published a recruitment notice [Advt. No. C-05/2023] for the year 2023. According to the announcement, IRCON has 34 openings in the disciplines of Civil, Electrical, and S&T. For the position of Works Engineer, IRCON anticipates receiving applications from qualified candidates. The IRCON Works Engineer position is open to applicants looking for engineering opportunities. From April 17 to April 26, they will do walk-in interviews for these IRCON positions.
THDC Recruitment 2023, DEO, Engineer & Various Post | 23 Vacancies
THDC Recruitment 2023: THDC India Ltd has announced a call for applications from Uttar Pradesh residents who meet the requirements for the positions of Data Entry Operator, Geologist, Engineer, Sr. Surveyor, Overman, and lab Chemist. There are 23 openings that must be filled for the aforementioned position. Candidates should apply for the THDC Recruitment if they match the requirements. Candidates must understand the qualifying requirements, such as educational requirements, age restrictions, and terms and conditions, before submitting an online application. THDC India Limited employment is open to those looking for positions with the Central Government. On February 4, 2023, an online application was launched. Application form submission is permitted between March 5 and March 23, 2023.
Jhansi Cantonment Board Recruitment 2023 | Assistant Engineer, Electrician, Mechanic & Other 17 Vacancies
Jhansi Cantonment Board Recruitment 2023: The Jhansi Cantonment Board has formally issued notice No. CBJHANSI4023/Recruitment/2023/202302160001 regarding the openings for Assistant Engineer E/M, Assistant Teacher, Junior Assistant, Stenographer, Electrician, Mechanic cum-Driver, Office Assistant, Mali, and Dresser. There are 17 vacancies that are distributed in accordance with the reservations. Eligible applicants may apply for this position with the eligibility requirements and some conditions, such as a B.E./B.Tech. Bachelor’s Degree with the job experience. Online applications will be insured for this Jhansi Cantonment Board Recruitment. The deadline to submit an application is March 20, 2023.
IIT BHU Recruitment 2023 | 65 vacancies | Junior Engineer, Registrar and other Posts
IIT BHU Recruitment 2023: As of 2023, 65 Junior Engineer, Registrar, and other vacancies will be available at the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (IIT BHU). A B.E./B. Tech., master’s degree, and a diploma are required for IIT BHU recruitment. Before February 28, 2023, those who are qualified and interested in the role may submit an IIT BHU Recruitment application. The candidates who are selected will be placed in Varanasi. For this notification, IIT BHU exclusively accepts online applications. The URL for the IIT BHU online application will only be available on the official website.