SBI Recruitment 2023: State Bank of India (SBI) invites applications for the post of Retired Bank Officer/Staff of SBI & erstwhile Associates Banks of SBI (e-ABs) to fill up Collection Facilitator on a contract basis. A total of 1438 vacancies will be allotted for the above-said post. Persons who are searching for jobs in central government kindly use this SBI Collection Facilitator Recruitment. Candidates who are aspired to join the SBI Retired Bank Officer Recruitment can apply before the last date. Before applying for this SBI Collection Facilitator Recruitment, must go through a detailed notification and check the eligibility conditions. Applicants should apply online through the SBI official website from 22-12-2022 to 31.01.2023
The detailed advertisement and SBI Collection Facilitator Recruitment online applications link are available here under. Online applications that are incomplete and without required documents will not be accepted. Applicants must have a valid email ID and it will keep till the declaration of the result. Appointed retired Officers/Staff will be deployed at CPC/Regional Office/ AO (Administrative Office) / ATC (Assets Tracking Centre) or any other office locations/establishments. Applicants are requested to visit the official website for upcoming notifications/further announcements in this regard.
Applicants are retired officers/staff of SBI, no prescribed educational qualifications are required.
4. Age
The candidate’s maximum age limit should be 63 years
5. Selection Process
Merit List
6. Salary
Rs.25,000/- – Rs.40,000/-
For more salary details visit Notification
7. Application Mode – SBI Recruitment 2023
Applicants will have to apply online mode.
8. Application Fee & Mode – SBI Recruitment 2023
Visit Notification
9. Important Dates – SBI Recruitment 2023
Online applications start On
Last Date for Submission of Online application
EXTENDED 31.01.2023
10. How to Apply – SBI Recruitment 2023
Go to the official website at
Choose Join SBI>> Current Openings
Download the above-said SBI Collection Facilitator notification.
Read the advertisement carefully
Return to the page and click the online application form.
Before filling up the online form, read the notification carefully and check the eligibility conditions
Candidates should check the filled-in online applications along with the required documents.
Then submit the online application form along with the fee.
Finally, take a printout of the online application form for future use.
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out frequently.