PPSC Naib Tehsildar Admit Card 2023 || Naib Tehsildar || Exam Date: 18-06-2023 ||

PPSC Naib Tehsildar Admit Card 2023: Punjab Public Service Commission is going to publish the Naib Tehsildar admit card 2023. The Commission is arranging the Naib Tehsildar Exam on 18-06-2023. There are 78 vacancies was announced by Punjab Public Service Commission. Lots of candidates were registered for this PPSC Recruitment 2023. the PPSC exam will be conducted. Registered candidates are requested to check the PPSC Naib Tehsildar Admit card. The PPSC Naib Tehsildar admit card will soon release at official website.

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PSSSB Patwari OMR Sheet 2023 | Patwari Exam OMR Sheet Download

PSSSB Patwari OMR Sheet 2023: Subordinate Service Selection Board, Punjab (PSSSB) conducted the examination for the post of Patwari posts on 14.05.2023. They will activate the online link for PSSSB Patwari OMR Sheet Download in the upcoming days. Selected candidates will be placed in various locations under Revenue Department. They uploaded the provisional answer key for Patwari posts on 17.05.2023. The Board will keep active the link of the Punjab Patwari Exam OMR Sheet pdf for a few days.

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IISER Mohali Recruitment 2023 || Apply For Trade Apprentice Vacancy Notification

IISER Mohali Recruitment 2023: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 15 Vacancy in Trade Apprentice Post through IISER Mohali Vacancy. According to the Latest IISER Mohali Vacancy notification, these vacancies are assigned to the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali Recruitment 2023.

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NABI Recruitment 2023 || Apply For Project Associate & Research Associate Vacancies ||

NABI Recruitment 2023: The National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 07 Vacancies of Project Associate-I, Project Assistant-I, Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow, and Research Associate-I through National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) Recruitment 2023. According to the Latest National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) Recruitment notification From 15/05/2023 to 29/05/2023, these vacancies are assigned to the National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) Recruitment 2023.

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DESGPC Recruitment 2023, Assistant Professors/Lectures | 226 Vacancies

DESGPC Recruitment 2023: Directorate of Education Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (DESGPC) has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 226 vacancies of Assistant Professors/Lectures Posts. According to the Latest DESGPC Recruitment notification, a minimum of 50% marks for Graduation and 55% in Post Graduation are applicable. The final date for submission of the application form is 26-05-2023. This advertisement number 345/2023 was released at www.desgpc.org on 06-05-2023

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ESIC Punjab Recruitment 2023 || Apply For Offline Vacancies ||

ESIC Punjab Recruitment 2023: Employees State Insurance Corporation Punjab (ESIC Punjab) has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 53 Vacancies of Senior Resident, Specialist through Employees State Insurance Corporation Punjab Recruitment 2023. According to the Latest Employees State Insurance Corporation Punjab Recruitment notification From 10/05/2023 to 25/05/2023, these vacancies are assigned to the Employees State Insurance Corporation Punjab (ESIC Punjab) Recruitment 2023.

IRCON Recruitment 2023,  Works Engineer Posts | 34 Vacancies

IRCON Recruitment 2023: IRCON International Limited has published a recruitment notice [Advt. No. C-05/2023] for the year 2023. According to the announcement, IRCON has 34 openings in the disciplines of Civil, Electrical, and S&T. For the position of Works Engineer, IRCON anticipates receiving applications from qualified candidates. The IRCON Works Engineer position is open to applicants looking for engineering opportunities. From April 17 to April 26, they will do walk-in interviews for these IRCON positions.

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BEL Recruitment 2023 | Apply for Project Engineer Post | 9 vacancies Notification

BEL Recruitment 2023: Bharat Electronics Ltd is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Project Engineer as part of their recruitment drive for 2023. Those with an MBA, MSW, a graduate degree or diploma, or a BE/B. Tech/B.Sc. are eligible to apply for 9 positions in this organization. Other citizens will not be permitted to apply for the position of BEL Project Engineer. One application per candidate is permitted for each position. Your application will be turned down if you apply for several positions. For the position of BEL Trainee Engineer, applications must be submitted online. The deadline to submit an application is April 5, 2023.

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Punjab Teachers Eligibility Test Admit Card, Date of Admit Card: 08-03-2023

Punjab Teachers Eligibility Test Admit Card 2023 : The Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Test (PSTET 2023) will be administered by the Punjab School Education Board on the given date. Everyone with an Indian address is eligible to take the PSTET Paper. Applicants are qualified to appear in the PSTET Paper provided they meet the academic and professional requirements outlined in the NCTE. The date for the Punjab State Teacher Eligibility Exam has been set for March 12, 2023. The majority of candidates registered for this PSTET Test. Candidates who registered before the deadline may view their admit card on pstet2023.org.

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Punjab Haryana High Court Recruitment 2023, 157 Clerk Vacancies

Punjab Haryana High Court Recruitment 2023: The Chandigarh-based High Court of Punjab and Haryana has published an advertisement for the position of Clerk. due to the 157 openings for the aforementioned position. Candidates are therefore urged to double-check the eligibility requirements, including the minimum age requirement and other terms and conditions. Please take advantage of this fantastic work opportunity if you are a candidate looking for court jobs. It requests eligible candidates to submit an online application form. The online application form must be submitted by 17 March 2023. On February 24, 2023, the official website published the recruitment advertisement for the Punjab and Haryana High Court with the reference number 01/CLK/HC/2023.

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