NLC Recruitment 2023: NLC Limited, formerly known as Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, is a government-owned company in India that operates in the energy sector. They are primarily involved in lignite mining and power generation.
NLC Recruitment
NLC Recruitment 2023 Notification has been posted by Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) India Limited on its official website
NLC Operator Recruitment 2023 | Apply For 92 SME Operator Vacancy 2023
NLC Operator Recruitment 2023: Neyeli Lignite Corporation Limited has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 92 Vacancies in SME Operator through NLC Operator vacancy 2023. According to the Latest NLC Operator vacancy notification, these vacancies are assigned to the Neyeli Lignite Corporation Limited Recruitment 2023.
NLC Health Inspector Recruitment 2023 | Apply Now Online 18 Vacancies
NLC Health Inspector Recruitment 2023: NLC India Limited invites Online applications from eligible candidates for the engagement of Health Inspector. Now it has circulated new notice [Advt. No. 05/2023] on for above said NLC Trainee Vacancy. There are 18 vacancies that will be filled by NLC and post-wise vacancy details are given below. Candidates who are looking for Central Govt jobs in Tamilnadu kindly make the online registration from 04.08.2023 Applied candidates kindly submit the online form before 23.08.2023
NLC Recruitment 2023, Industrial Trainee Posts | 500 Vacancies | (Extended Upto 3rd August 2023)
NLC Recruitment 2023: Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Limited (NLC) has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 500 vacancies for the post of Industrial Trainee in Specialised Mining Equipment (SME) Operations and Mines & Mines Support Services Schemes. The Last date to apply through the online link is 08.07.2023. They will activate the online link for the application process on 09.06.2023. (Extended Upto 3rd August 2023)
NLC Manager Recruitment 2023 | Apply Online for 294 Manager Vacancy
NLC Manager Recruitment 2023: Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 294 Vacancies in Manager, Executive Engineer, GM, Deputy General Manager through NLC Manager Vacancy 2023. According to the Latest NLC Manager Vacancy notification, these vacancies are assigned to the Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited Recruitment 2023. Job seekers who are searching for central government jobs Kindly use this NLC Recruitment 2023.
NLC Trainee Recruitment 2023 | 500 Vacancy | Apply For Industrial Trainee
NLC Trainee Recruitment 2023: Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Limited has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 500 Vacancies in Industrial Trainee through NLC Trainee Recruitment 2023. According to the Latest NLC Trainee Recruitment notification, these vacancies are assigned to the Neyveli Lignite Corporation India Limited Vacancy 2023.
NLC Recruitment 2023 | Apply For Nurses and Paramedics Online 103 Vacancies Notification
NLC Recruitment 2023: Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC) has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 103 Vacancies of Lab Technician, Nurse, Physiotherapist, Radiographer, Dialysis Technician, Nursing Assistant through NLC Recruitment 2023. According to the Latest NLC Recruitment notification From 12-05-2023 to 01-06-2023, these vacancies are assigned to the Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC) Recruitment 2023.
NLC Trainee Recruitment 2023 | Apply online for Industrial Trainee (Finance) | 56 Vacancies Notification
NLC Trainee Recruitment 2023: NLC India Limited invites Online applications from eligible candidates for the engagement of Industrial Trainee (Finance). Now it has circulated new notice [Advt. No. 01/2023] on for above said NLC Trainee Vacancy. There are 56 vacancies that will be filled by NLC and post-wise vacancy details are given below. Candidates who are looking for Central Govt jobs in Tamilnadu kindly make the online registration from 01.04.2023 Applied candidates kindly submit the online form before 22.04.2023
NLC Recruitment 2022, Graduate Apprentices 481 Posts Apply Now
NLC Recruitment 2022: NLC India Limited has released the notification [Advertisement No. L&DC.02/2022/2] for the recruitment post of Engineering Graduate Apprentices, Non-Engineering Graduate Apprentices, and Technician (Diploma) Apprentices. As per the notification, there are 481 vacancies allocated for this recruitment, and post-wise details are given below. The Last date for the submission of the application is 24.08.2022. Job seekers who are searching for central government jobs Kindly use this NLC Recruitment 2022.