NHM Tamil Nadu Recruitment 2022: The National Health Mission (NRHM) of Tamil Nadu has announced new job openings. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has announced the designations for the Consultant positions. Candidates would be placed inTamil Nadu if they are chosen. Candidates should apply for these positions over the internet. There are a total of 06 positions that have been made available. Candidates interested in these positions should apply as soon as possible. Candidates can begin applying for these positions on or before May 27, 2022, with the final application due on or before June 5, 2022.
The National Health Mission was launched by the government of India in 2005 subsuming the National Rural Health Mission and National Urban Health Mission. It was further extended in March 2018, to continue until March 2020.
Those who are interested and qualified can begin applying for these positions. Checking for eligibility requirements data such as educational qualification, age restriction, pay, and any other details is a must.