JPSC Recruitment 2023 : Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) has recently released a new vacancy notification to fill up 100 Vacancies of Director through JPSC Recruitment 2023. According to the Latest JPSC Recruitment notification From 17/04/2023 to 17/05/2023, these vacancies are assigned to the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) Recruitment 2023.
Additional Age Relaxation as per Government Rules.
5. Selection Process
Written Test
6. Apply Mode
Eligible & Interested candidates can Apply Online.
7. Application Fee
General/ EBC/ BC/ EWS Candidates: Rs. 600/-
SC/ ST Candidates: Rs. 150/-
Other Candidates: Nil
Mode of Payment: Online
8. Important Dates
Opening date for submission of online application
Date of closure of the online application
9. How to Apply – JPSC Recruitment 2023
Start by going to the ‘s official website at
Find their careers website or most recent news section,
Then search for and download the Director job posting the advertisement.
After then, check your eligibility for the downloaded employment notification.
If you are qualified for the position, continue.
Given that this application is to be submitted online,
Visit the official website and click the link to the job application to access the online application form.
Check that you have filled in all of the necessary information and that it is correct.
Please attach all relevant documents. Then, if necessary, make the appropriate payments.
Click the ‘Submit’ button to finish the application.
Congrats! Your application was successfully submitted.
Once that is done, kindly visit the official website or publications for further updates.
10. Important Links
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out frequently.