JIPMER SR Recruitment 2022: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research has released the notification of the recruitment for the posts of Senior Resident Posts Totally 136 vacancies interested candidates can apply before 09-12-2022.
1. Overview – JIPMER SR Recruitment 2022
Job Name | Senior Resident |
Work Location | Puducherry |
Pay Scale | Rs. 67,700/- |
No of Vacancies | 136 vacancies |
Official Website | www.jipmer.edu.in |
2. Vacancy Details – JIPMER SR Recruitment 2022
Online applications are invited by Director, JIPMER from eligible Indian citizens as per Govt. of India’s Residency Scheme for filling up the posts of Senior Resident (3-year tenure posts) in the following departments at JIPMER, Puducherry & JIPMER, Karaikal. It includes current vacancies, backlog vacancies of SC/ST & OBC& vacancies will fall from 01-01-2023 to 30-06-2023.

3. Educational Qualification – JIPMER SR Recruitment 2022
Medical Departments:
- An NMC/MCI-recognized postgraduate medical degree of MD/MS/DNB in the respective discipline from a recognized University/Institute.
Note: Paediatrics / Neonatology Department:
- Candidates who completed MD/DNB in the discipline of Paediatrics, he/she can apply to any one of the departments i.e either Paediatrics / Neonatology.
Nephrology/ NeurologyDepartments:
- An NMC/MCI recognized postgraduate Medical degree viz. MD/DNB in General Medicine / Paediatrics or equivalent from a recognized University/Institute.
- Candidates with D.M/DNB in the concerned specialty can also apply.
Neurosurgery/ Plastic SurgeryDepartments:
- An NMC/MCI recognized postgraduate Medical degree viz. MS/DNB in General Surgery or equivalent from a recognized University/Institute.
- Candidates with M.Ch./DNB in the concerned specialty can also apply
Dental Department:
- A DCI-recognized postgraduate dental degree from University/Institute is required, viz. (i)MDS (Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics)underURcategorypost.(ii)MDS(Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) under ST category post.
4. Age Limit – JIPMER SR Recruitment 2022
- Not exceeding 45 years as of 31-01-2023.
- Relaxable for SC & ST candidates for up to five years, and for OBC candidates for up to three years. PWBD candidates are eligible for further age relaxation up to 10 years (i.e. 13 years for OBC and 15 years for SC/ST) if the post is reserved for a particular category.
5. Application Fee JIPMER SR Recruitment 2022
- Application fees for each category as mentioned below should be paid by the candidate using online mode only. No other mode of payment will be accepted.
6. Selection Procedure
The Computer Based Test will be held on 18-12-2022 (Sunday) from 09.00 AM to 10.00 AM.
- The duration of the Computer Bases Test shall be 1 hour (60 minutes).
- The question Paper consists of 40 (Forty) Objective Type (Single Best ResponseType) questions
from the concerned specialty and the total marks will be 80. - The Computer Based Test (CBT) shall be conducted in ENGLISH medium ONLY.
- Each answer with a CORRECT RESPONSE shall be awarded TWO MARK.
- No Marks will be deducted for each INCORRECT RESPONSE.
- ZERO mark will be given for the question NOT ANSWERED
7. Apply Mode – JIPMER SR Recruitment 2022
- Candidates apply online mode only
8. Important Dates
Date of opening of online application | 19-11-2022 |
Closure date of online application | 09-12-2022 |
9. How to Apply
- Visit www.jipmer.edu.in
- Click on Notices then Advertisements in the top section.
- Advertisement of RECRUITMENT TO THE POST OF SENIOR RESIDENT ON REGULAR BASIS FOR PUDUCHERRY & KARAIKAL –DECEMBER 2022 description will display. Click on the “Pdf Symbol” to download the notification.
- Read the downloaded notification carefully.
- Click on the “Apply Online” link given against the descriptive test.
- Fill in the details in the relevant field.
- Submit the application form.
- Take a print copy of the submitted application form for future reference.
10. Important Links
Notification | Click Here |
Apply Online | Click Here |
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Official website | Click Here |
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