ICAR SBI Coimbatore Recruitment 2022: ICAR- Sugarcane Breeding Institute has released a recruitment notification for the engagement of Ex-Servicemen. As per the ICAR SBI job Advertisement, they have announced the vacancies for the Security Guard posts. Candidates who want to join Central Govt jobs in Tamilnadu may utilize this chance to get an appointment. Eligible & willing candidates should appear for walk-in selection on 04.01.2023, 10.30 AM. They are planning to fill 01 vacancieson contract period.
The detailed notification is available from 15.12.2022 @ www.sugarcane.icar.gov.in. Candidates should read the notification of ICAR SBI jobs & then attend the walk-in interview. Selected candidates will get Rs. 21420 as a salary. The contract period is 1 year. The contract period may be extended up to 5 years. More details of ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute Recruitment 2022 notification, selection list, result, etc will be uploaded official website.