BOB Recruitment 2023: Bank of Baroda has released a vacancy notification. Applications are invited for the posts of Sr. Manager in various disciplines. Candidates who are likely to work in the Bank Jobs, you can take this chance to work as a manager in the Bank of Baroda. Eligible Chartered Accountants or MBA degree conquerors can apply through online modes. Candidates will not be allowed to submit the application in other ways like speed posts or mail. Selected candidates will be dropped off at the Mumbai location. Applicants can start applying from 04.01.2023 to 24.01.2023. Candidates are requested to give active mail id, and phone number for further communication.
Candidates may download or view the Bank of Baroda notification from the official website. This job is purely on a regular basis. Applicants will be taken by Personal Interview or any other selection method for BOB senior manager recruitment. Candidates should pay for the application online. Applicants who once deposit the application fee will not be refunded. Incomplete applications or Applications without the required details, a form will be rejected by the Bank of Baroda. Aspirants may check the eligibility criteria for Bank of Baroda recruitment. Applicants may visit the website for more information like recruitment, syllabus, admit card, results, and answer keys
3. Educational Qualification – BOB Recruitment 2023
Candidates should finish their education as Chartered Accountant (CA) or Full-time MBA/PGDM
4. Age
The minimum age limit is 27 years
The maximum age limit is 40 Years
5. Selection Process
Applicants will be picked by Personal Interview
6. Salary
Qualified candidates will get Rs: 1.78 lakhs per month
7. Application Mode
Candidates are advised to apply online mode.
8. Application Fee
For General, EWS & OBC candidates – Rs: 600
For SC, ST, PWD & Women – Rs: 100
9. Payment Mode
Candidates carefully deposit their application through Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet Banking etc.
10. Important Dates
Submission of Online Application Starts from
Last Date for submission of Online application
11. How to Apply – BOB Recruitment 2023
Go to the website @
Find the Sr. Manager notification.
Applicants should read the vacancy notification.
Click> Apply Online
Give the required details in the online application.
Check once the valid application.
Now, submit the filled application in an online portal.
More career opportunities are required for applicants. We have specified the educational requirements, age limit, and selection process; as well as the application mode and steps to apply. For the most recent job updates, check out frequently.